Transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin
Transliteration is the process of transforming text and individual words that are written in one graphic system or writing system by means of another graphic system based on phonetic similarity. In other words, it is a transfer of one alphabetic writing system with the letters of another.
In connection with the introduction of electronic signature recognition between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, there was a need to transliterate the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin in order to ensure the compatibility of international certificates of citizens of our country with information systems in the field of electronic trust services of the countries of the European Union. Thus, personal data contained in electronic signature certificates (in particular, in certificates issued according to the RSA and ECDSA algorithms), which are issued by qualified trust services providers in Ukraine, are inserted in Cyrillic symbols, while such symbols are absent in the languages of the countries of the European Union.
Thus, using the correspondence table below, you will be able to input correctly in Latin letters the names in the certificate fields, names, designations and other personal and related data, which are indicated in Cyrillic in the documents of citizens-signatories of our country in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation (CMU Resolution No. 55 of 01.27.2010 "On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin"),
Also, for convenience, we are happy to provide an online service of an example of transliteration of Cyrillic names, geographic designations, etc. into Latin.
An example of transliteration in Latin
An example of rendering in Latin
According to letters (for example in pasport number)
According to words
Ukrainian alphabet
Position in the word
Writing examples | |
In ukrainian
in Latin
Аа | Aa |
Алушта Андрій |
Alushta Andrii |
Бб | Bb |
Борщагівка Борисенко |
Borshchahivka Borysenko |
Вв | Vv |
Вінниця Володимир |
Vinnytsia Volodymyr |
Гг | Hh |
Гадяч Богдан Згурський |
Hadiach Bohdan Zghurskyi |
Ґґ | Gg |
Ґалаґан Ґорґани |
Galagan Gorgany |
Дд | Dd |
Донецьк Дмитро |
Donetsk Dmytro |
Ее | Ee |
Рівне Олег Есмань |
Rivne Oleh Esman |
Єє | Ye |
at the beginning of a word
Єнакієве | Yenakiieve |
ie |
in other positions
Гаєвич Короп'є |
Haievych Koropie |
Жж | Zh zh |
Житомир Жанна Жежелів |
Zhytomyr Zhanna Zhezheliv |
Зз | Zz |
Закарпаття Казимирчук |
Zakarpattia Kazymyrchuk |
Ии | Yy |
Медвин Михайленко |
Medvyn Mykhailenko |
Іі | Ii |
Іванків Іващенко |
Ivankiv Ivashchenko |
Її | Yi |
at the beginning of a word
Їжакевич | Yizhakevych |
i |
in other positions
Кадиївка Мар'їне |
Kadyivka Marine |
Йй | Y |
at the beginning of a word
Йосипівка | Yosypivka |
i |
in other positions
Стрий Олексій |
Stryi Oleksii |
Кк | Kk |
Київ Коваленко |
Kyiv Kovalenko |
Лл | Ll |
Лебедин Леонід |
Lebedyn Leonid |
Мм | Mm |
Миколаїв Маринич |
Mykolaiv Marynych |
Нн | Nn |
Ніжин Наталія |
Nizhyn Nataliia |
Оо | Oo |
Одеса Онищенко |
Odesa Onyshchenko |
Пп | Pp |
Полтава Петро |
Poltava Petro |
Рр | Rr |
Решетилівка Рибчинський |
Reshetylivka Rybchynskyi |
Сс | Ss |
Суми Соломія |
Sumy Solomiia |
Тт | Tt |
Тернопіль Троць |
Ternopil Trots |
Уу | Uu |
Ужгород Уляна |
Uzhhorod Uliana |
Фф | Ff |
Фастів Філіпчук |
Fastiv Filipchuk |
Хх | Kh kh |
Харків Христина |
Kharkiv Khrystyna |
Цц | Ts ts |
Біла Церква Стеценко |
Bila Tserkva Stetsenko |
Чч | Ch ch |
Чернівці Шевченко |
Chernivtsi Shevchenko |
Шш | Sh sh |
Шостка Кишеньки |
Shostka Kyshenky |
Щщ | Shch shch |
Щербухи Гоща Гаращенко |
Shcherbukhy Hoshcha Harashchenko |
Юю | Yu |
at the beginning of a word
Юрій | Yurii |
iu |
in other positions
Корюківка | Koriukivka | |
Яя | Ya |
at the beginning of a word
Яготин Ярошенко |
Yahotyn Yaroshenko |
ia |
in other positions
Костянтин Знам'янка Феодосія |
Kostiantyn Znamianka Feodosiia |
- The letter combination "зг" is reproduced in Latin as "zgh" (for example, Згорани–Zghorany, Розгон–Rozghon) in contrast to "zh"–the counterpart of the Ukrainian letter "ж".
- Soft sign and apostrophe are not reproduced in Latin.
- Transliteration of surnames and names of persons and geographical names is carried out by reproducing each letter in Latin.
Source: Resolution of the CMU on streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin